The resonance of the Warã


The Warã is the counsel of elders and adult men, signifying as well the central area, the central space of the village.
Before the first rays of sun light the horizon, the men are called by a sharp cry to gather in the Warã. The men enter and form a circle. This ritual takes place everyday at sunrise and sunset, and can continue into the night.
The men always sit in the same place, each one having a designated spot. The central circle is occupied by the elders and the following circles around the central circle are occupied, depending on the opening ceremony, by the adult men of the Warã. Everything is discussed in the Warã, all decisions are made there. The elders of two clans, Poreza'ono and Öwawê, conduct the meeting. The Poreza'ono lead the discussion and the counsel, and the Öwawê respond and complete their thoughts. Everything is discussed and resolved here: rituals, everyday life, hunting, conflicts, everything that is important and which has a connection with the community. The Riteiwá - the initiated - the Wapté - the young - and the women aren't allowed to participate in the Warã. It is the counsel of the adult men.
When a man addresses the counsel, he rises to speak. His expression is very important and must represent his group as a whole and not his individuality. At times several people speak at once. Those who are participating have the liberty to question or to complete what the orator says, and to respond to the questions he asks. And thus they arrive at a consensus. The most important stage is the conclusion of the discussion in the Warã, which is always done by the Poreza'ono clan, the elder who initiated the dialogue in the counsel. The one who ends the Warã is always the most important leader of the community, an elder of the Poreza'ono clan.

Cristina Floria